Let Me Help You! Beauty Questions Answered!


Picture found:http://imunsinkable.com/2012/06/05/who-are-you-calling-mommy/

Hello… How Can I Help 🙂

I can spend hours of the day and night just researching beauty products! I find out what product people like to use most, watch hours of youtube clips on how to use it and read reviews on the pros and cons! Although this is a lengthly process, its something I really enjoy! I love trialling new products and comparing them to others!

This is why I write this blog… So everything I research, I have written down in a safe and organised place! And of course to share and hopefully help someone in their search!

Are you someone who just does not have the time to do all this research and end up buying things you wish you hadn’t? Or just want to know the answer quickly! Well then just leave a comment below about a beauty product that you wish to try, or just a skin issue which you would like some help with and Ill do my best to ensure that I write a review for you and ask the people who are in the know!

For example “I have oily skin, what type of foundation should I use?”

“How can I get softer, stronger hair”

If I can’t get hold of the product myself, Ill make-sure to include the videos of those who have, the pros and cons of the product, alternative ones which you may prefer and much more 🙂

Don’t get me wrong Im no dermatologist, just a girl that loves to spend hours researching anything beauty! ill do my best and do the hard work so you dont have to! Ill point you in the right direction! 🙂

So just leave a comment below and ill find out for you!


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